RentHelpPGH Client Demographics
​RentHelpPGH serves Allegheny County households at risk of or engaged in eviction proceedings by working to connect those families with resources that can remedy the eviction, whether legal, rental, or utility assistance.
Between July 2020 and October 2023 RHP has served 5,062 Allegheny County families, of whom 71.5% identify as female, 63% self-identify as Black or African American, 48% have minor children in the household (with 54% of those identifying as single parent heads of household), 93% are below 50% AMI and 72% are below 30% AMI.​
Race Identification
​63% self-identify as Black or African American,
24% self-identify as White,
5% identify as multi-racial,
<1% identify as another race,
7% prefer not to state
Gender Identification
71% self-identify as female,
27% self-identify as male,
<1% self-identify as non-binary or transgender,
1% prefer not to state
Children in Household
48% have children in the household
54% of those with children are single-parent headed households with an average of two children under 18 years old residing in the home
Income Information
92% of households are <50% AMI
72% of households are <30% AMI
More than 17,000 outreach texts have been sent to Allegheny County families with an upcoming eviction hearing, helping to ensure more families know when they have an eviction hearing against them, where to go, and what services are available that might be able to assist them. ​